Your mileage may vary

PSA: 55 Essential gear items and how they performed

PSA: 55 Essential gear items and how they performed

The following are the main items purchased for the trip. Besides clothing and a small 9″ Asus laptop, this is pretty much everything I took with me. Little Trees Air Freshener After only bathing some days, and picking up hitchhikers, you’re going to need this one,…

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Peru South (and Machu Picchu)

Peru South (and Machu Picchu)

Mar 7-12, 2014 Nazca is a small town, built like a maze. There is a tiny town square with shops and ‘Pollo a la brasa!’ restaurants. There is a lot of construction going on, mainly the re-paving of roads. The drive into town is beautiful with greenery…

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PSA: Total Expenses

PSA: Total Expenses

The following represent the costs incurred between December 29th and April 22nd. Note that these expenses were for one person traveling alone. If your team has two or more members expect these costs to be more than halved (per person). GAS Each entry represents a…

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Peru North

Peru North

Mar 2-6, 2014 Approaching Peru Due to illegal smuggling, all Ecuadorian gas stations close the border are heavily guarded. Gas is also in short supply. Getting into Peru is not easy. Or rather, it’s easy – but if you’re with a car, it’s going to…

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Ecuatorianamente Refrescante

Ecuatorianamente Refrescante

Feb 24-Mar 2, 2014 Not long before I cross into Ecuador (which has some amazing scenery, btw), I find out about El Mitad del Mundo, or Middle Earth (for you LOTR fans). If it’s your first time crossing the Equator (takes me a few to…

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The Forgotten Tree

The Forgotten Tree

Feb 14-24, 2014 I’ve already said this in the last post, but I figure it’s worth mentioning again. Colombia is a very different and unique place. One of the first things you notice (and that is really missing from the other countries) is how there…

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PSA: Expenses (Jan-Feb)

PSA: Expenses (Jan-Feb)

The following represent the costs incurred between December 29th and February 28th. GAS Each entry represents a fill-up. Everything has been rounded off to 2 decimal places, volume has been converted to gallons and prices reflect the current exchange rate on Most of Central…

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La Vecina

La Vecina

Feb 6-17, 2014 Arriving in Cartagena already feels like a different world. Or it could just be my excitement for being on a different continent, having made it this far, and finally being in a country that I’ve heard so much about. I set up…

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PSA: The Darién Gap

PSA: The Darién Gap

To quote Wikipedia, The Darién Gap is a break in the Pan-American Highway consisting of a large swath of undeveloped swampland and forest within Panama’s Darién Province in Central America and the northern portion of Colombia’s Chocó Department in South America. Scotland tried to colonize…

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The Panama Hat

The Panama Hat

Jan 28-Feb 6, 2013 The Panama hat is not even from Panama. It’s from Ecuador. At the opening of the Canal, Woodrow Wilson was hastily given the closest hat on hand, since it was deemed ungentlemanly to be without one. People around the world marveled…

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